The Mimaki Blade Wholesale is a must-have product for anyone involved in the printing industry. This package contains 5 packs of 60 blades, which amounts to a total of 300 blades, making it a perfect wholesale solution. These blades have a length of 20mm with flatten tip, which makes them more durable and efficient for printing. Whether you’re a professional printer or someone who frequently deals with printing tasks, these blades are a reliable and cost-effective option. Made by Mimaki, a trusted producer of quality printing products, you can be assured that these blades will deliver top-notch results. So, if you’re looking for quality blades at a wholesale price, the Mimaki Blade Wholesale is the go-to option for you. A.I. produced summary, disclaimer below.
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The prices that you see here are linked to foreign exchange rates and will be adjusted on a weekly/bi-weekly basis. However, if you have already placed an order, the price for your order will remain fixed and valid right unless the order is cancelled (Read-This-First). If you place a new order, new pricing rate will apply.
We provide no warranty in respect of any consumable products sold by us, resultantly no refunds will be issued in respect of any consumable products. We may, by way of written agreement, permit the return and exchange of consumable products for a different size/model/package, if the consumable products to be returned are unused and intact (unopened if sealed). In the event that the substituted product is worth more than the returned product, you can simply pay the outstanding balance at our sales office. In the event that the substituted product is worth less than the returned product, we will provide you with a credit which can be utilised in respect of any subsequent purchase from us or to settle (or partially settle) any amount owing to us, provided that the funds shall not be repaid or refunded in any manner. We provide no support whatsoever for all consumables used for machines not from us.
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